Ethiopia in 2024
Our team at Knox Audiology are not only passionate about hearing, we are also actively involved in helping the less fortunate across the globe.
In helping give opportunities to women they can improve their independence, so they have the tools to generate an income and provide for their family.
At Knox Audiology we believe in the importance of giving back and making a meaningful difference to the lives of people around the world. Our passion to care and create a better world through giving has been woven into the foundations of our business. Our long partnership with B1G1 (Business for Good) has provided over 450,000 giving impacts to date, resulting in life changing opportunities around the globe.
As our passion for giving continues to grow, we take pride in sharing that our director and co-owner of Knox Audiology, Helen Campbell, will be participating in a life changing adventure to Ethiopia in 2024 to support the work of the Catherine Hamilin Fistula Foundation. The mission of this charity is to create a future free of obstetric fistula and profoundly improve the lives of women in Ethiopia. A significant part of Helen’s this trip will be walking at altitude with thousands of women on International Women’s Day, Friday 8th March 2024!
Obstetric fistula is a devastating childbirth injury that affects thousands of Ethiopian women every year. It occurs when prolonged and obstructed labour leads to a hole near the birth canal, causing incontinence and social isolation. The Catherine Hamlin Fistula Foundation works tirelessly to provide comprehensive medical care, surgery and rehabilitation to these women, enabling them to regain their dignity and lead fulfilling lives.

At Knox Audiology, your choice to trust us with your audiology needs sets off a chain of positive actions. Each patient we attend to results in a donation to the Catherine Hamlin Fistula Foundation, supporting their essential initiatives and bringing about meaningful improvements in the lives of Ethiopian women. With every patient we assist, we contribute to the foundation’s vital work, making a tangible difference for those impacted by obstetric fistula.