Hearing Test

Rediscover hearing and enjoy a renewed connection with your community and friends.

What Hearing Test Do I Need?

Knox Audiology’s comprehensive range of hearing tests and diagnostic assessments include:

  • Hearing Assessments – from newborn to seniors
  • Diagnostic Assessments – of the auditory system (hearing) and vestibular system (balance)
  • Hearing Aid Assessments – to determine your suitability for hearing aids
  • Tinnitus Assessments – to determine the extent and impact of tinnitus on your hearing

Knox Audiology delivers accurate and comprehensive adult and paediatric hearing assessments.

Hearing Test Costs

Medicare: Please ask us about eligibility for a Medicare rebate for our services.

Pensioners & Veterans: Knox Audiology also provides fully rebate-able hearing aids and services to eligible pensioners and veterans under the Australian Government Office of Hearing Services (OHS) Voucher Scheme. Free for Pensioners & Veterans

hearing assessment

Hearing Assessment

Hearing tests are performed for all patients 9 months and older (for neonates see below). General assessment comprises: pure tone audiogram, visual reinforcement audiology tympanometry (middle ear function), speech, acoustic reflexes (stapedius reflex as a first line to identify retrocochlear pathology).

Children Hearing Assessment:

  • 8 month old – 2 1/2 years old: Visual reinforcement audiometry, tympanometry, otoscopy
  • 2 1/2 year old – 5 year old: Play audiometry, tympanometry, speech testing using the Kendall Toy Test, otoscopy
  • 5 year old and older: Pure tone audiometry, tympanometry, speech discrimination testing, acoustic reflexes, otoscopy
education assessment

Educational Assessment

Educational assessments are available for children aged 6-12.  General assessment comprises of: hearing assessment (see above), testing ability to listen with background noise (AFG test) and a Short Term Auditory Memory test (STAM).

Additionally LiSN-S (Listening in Spacialized Noise – Sentences test) is for children 6 years old to adult and is used to assess auditory skills in children who may be having difficulty listening to and following speech in the class room.  It assesses whether children’s listening skills have a deficit with either spatial or vocal cues.

vertigo assessment

Vertigo/ Balance Tests

Abnormalities affecting the vestibular system in your ear can lead to dizziness, vertigo and other balance disorders.  Our assessments can test for the cause of vertigo (a sense of your environment spinning around you) and also evaluate the function of the vestibular system in the inner ear.

tinnitus test

Tinnitus Assessment

A tinnitus preliminary assessment includes a hearing assessment (see above), audiogram (to determine where hearing loss is located in the ear), along with speech and stapedial reflex tests (middle ear function).  Also may include ABR frequency assessment, and instructions on how to suppress tinnitus.

workplace assessment

Workplace Hearing Assessment

Hearing assessments (see above for description) are available for workplace screening.  Additionally pre-employment testing is also available as requested by employers eg. police, pilot etc.

neonatal assessment

Neonatal Assessment

A neonatal assessment ABR is available for newborns under 5 months who have either a family history of hearing loss, or who have experienced any prenatal, perinatal or postnatal concerns (prematurity or admission to a special care nursery for longer than 48 hours).