Hearing Loss and Mental Health: Exploring the Connection

Hearing Loss and Mental Health: Exploring the Connection

Hearing Loss and Mental Health: Exploring the Connection Communication and connection are critical aspects of the human experience. Our quality of life and ability to have relationships are based on easy and effective communication. Recent research has focused on...
What does it mean if I suddenly lose my hearing?

What does it mean if I suddenly lose my hearing?

What does it mean if I suddenly lose my hearing? Hearing typically declines with age as we grow older. However, when hearing loss occurs suddenly, it is referred to as “sudden hearing loss”, specifically known as “sudden sensorineural hearing loss.”...
Hearing Loss and Dementia

Hearing Loss and Dementia

Hearing Loss and Dementia The World Health Organisation (WHO) states that almost 1 in 5 people have hearing loss. While there are numerous risk factors associated with hearing loss, such as heredity, certain medications, infections, noise exposure, and physical...
The Subtle Signs of Hearing Loss

The Subtle Signs of Hearing Loss

The Subtle Signs of Hearing Loss As we age, things around our body start to change, so it is common to experience changes in our hearing as well. Changes in your hearing can occur gradually, so it is good to identify them early and know when to seek help from a...