The Subtle Signs of Hearing Loss
As we age, things around our body start to change, so it is common to experience changes in our hearing as well. Changes in your hearing can occur gradually, so it is good to identify them early and know when to seek help from a hearing care specialist. Here are some subtle signs that you may notice if you have a hearing loss and that you are not hearing as well as you could.
Difficulty hearing the voices of children or women: With age-related hearing losses, usually the high-pitched sounds are the first to drop off, followed by the mid and low pitches due to the wear and tear of the hearing organ. As children and women’s voices are naturally higher in pitch, they will be harder to hear, and their voices and speech may sound unclear or muffled.
Tinnitus or ringing in the ears: Tinnitus, the perception of noise or ringing in the ears, can serve as a subtle but crucial sign of hearing loss. Tinnitus is the presence of ringing, buzzing or clicking noises that are not coming from an external noise source and is a symptom of an underlying condition which could be due to hearing loss. Ringing in the ears can be caused by damage to the hearing nerve, such as too much loud noise, and could be a sign of hearing loss.
Turning up the TV or phone: If you constantly have to turn up the volume of your TV or phone, or your family has been complaining about the TV being played too loud, it could be a sign of hearing loss. Additionally, requiring subtitles to aid understanding what people are saying on the TV, may be an indication that you may not be hearing as well as you could.
Relying more on lip reading: By looking at other people’s mouths when they talk, lip reading uses our sight to pick up on extra speech cues. Some sounds have a very distinct shape which we can see on people’s lips, such as “f” and “p”. When you have a hearing loss, we look for other ways that can bring us more information. Also, now with masks and barriers in use, some people with hearing loss find it more difficult to communicate without seeing the speaker’s lips.
Asking for repeats: With a hearing loss, some sounds might sound more muffled or unclear than others, causing you to miss parts of words and sentences. But when you have to constantly ask for others to repeat, or to speak more loudly, slowly and clearly it may be a sign to get your hearing tested.
Listening Fatigue: More concentration is required to listen and follow conversations, especially in crowds where it is already hard to hear when you have a hearing loss. More brain power is also required to fill in the gaps to make sense of what other people are talking about and this can drain your energy. You may find that you might feel more easily tired than before, and that you no longer want to involve yourself in the conversation anymore.
Difficulty following conversation in noisy situations: Noisy places such as restaurants and social gatherings aren’t exactly the easiest place to hear people due to all of the competing sounds. If you find that you are missing what others are saying or it is becoming increasingly more difficult to focus on the conversation, it might be good sign to check your hearing.
The early identification of hearing loss is crucial, as it can profoundly impact your overall wellbeing and daily life. Subtle signs like having trouble hearing certain sounds or following conversations, should never be dismissed, as they might indicate underlying hearing issues.
At Knox Audiology, we take pride in our team of university qualified and experienced audiologists, who are committed to providing trusted, friendly, and professional hearing services, catering to all your unique hearing needs. Our comprehensive and diagnostic hearing tests are designed to understand and address your specific concerns, ensuring the best possible outcomes.
Don’t hesitate to take a proactive step towards better hearing health by scheduling an appointment with us today. Call Knox Audiology on 03 9800 5697 or contact us online.