Knox Audiology – your local hearing service provider!

Nov 15, 2020Audiologist

Knox Audiology is your local independent, medical hearing service provider. At Knox audiology we have 4 clinics, Wantirna, Boronia, Doreen and Kew. We offer services which range from Hearing tests on newborns to adults, as well as auditory processing assessments, hearing aid opinions and fittings, balance assessment and much more! At Knox Audiology we care about your hearing health and wellness. We want you to be able to hear everything that is important to you, whether it be your family, friends, colleagues, clients, music or environmental sounds such as birds. Therefore, it is really important to us at Knox Audiology that we get to know you and your hearing goals.

While, biologically we are all similar, we are all so very different. We all have different lives, different goals, and different needs. Therefore it is so important not to treat everyone the same when it comes to hearing healthcare. While one person may need to be able to hear at their job at a cafe, another person may be wanting to hear the birds whilst out bushwalking, while another might just want to hear the Television more clearly at a softer volume. Hearing goals will differ from one person to the next!

You may have also noticed advertising or you may have been approached for a “Free Hearing Check” at your local shopping centre. These free checks are only screenings and are not a complete comprehensive hearing assessment. A comprehensive diagnostic hearing assessment is conducted in a sound proof booth by an audiologist. At Knox Audiology we offer full comprehensive diagnostic hearing assessments by university qualified audiologists.

When it comes to hearing devices Knox Audiology is a privately owned audiology clinic. While some audiology clinics are owned by hearing aid companies, and so they only fit hearing aids made by that hearing aid company, other audiology clinics may have deals with certain hearing aid companies and so may be more inclined to fit the devices of that company. At Knox Audiology we are completely independent and are able to fit hearing aids from any company. Because Knox Audiology is an independent hearing aid provider, we are able to fit any brand of hearing aid. We will however, make recommendations on what brand, type or level of technology would best suit you, based on what you have told us regarding your hearing needs. We are also able to organise a trial period of 1-2 weeks, where you can take the hearing aids home to try them in your home, work or social environments. This will allow you to really get a sense of whether or not the hearing aids are for you.

So at Knox Audiology, we want to get to know you. We want to learn about you and what is important to you and we want to help with all your hearing needs. When it comes to hearing devices we want to involve you in this decision making process and make sure you feel as comfortable as possible. We are not just another hearing aid clinic, we are all about helping you to hear and finding the right solutions for you as an individual. If you have any concerns about your hearing health, do not hesitate to call us on 9800 5697 or 9839 3350. We will be happy to organise an appointment for you with one of our friendly audiologists.