HealthNews April16 Knox Audiology

HealthNews April16 Knox Audiology

Download your copy of HealthNews for information about a wide range of subjects including Tinnitus, Stress Incontinence in Women, Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease and more.. Click here to download the magazine or pick up a copy at Knox...
Medicare will stop issuing cheques

Medicare will stop issuing cheques

This is a quick reminder to everyone. Give your bank account details to your treating practitioner before July. Medicare will stop issuing cheques to patients. The change — announced in the Federal Budget last year — does not include Pay Doctor via Claimant (PDVC)...
Sudden one-sided hearing loss: how urgent is it?

Sudden one-sided hearing loss: how urgent is it?

Sudden one-sided hearing loss: how urgent is it? Be aware of an abrupt drop in hearing, called Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss (SSNHL) usually affecting only one ear . Often the affected ear is described by patients as feeling “blocked” or that their hearing is...
Local Hearing Expert Briefed

Local Hearing Expert Briefed

Knox Audiology local owner, Helen Campbell who is well known for her passion of keeping people really connected to families and communities and creating “EARS that Give”. Helen was just one of a handful of the several thousand Australian hearing...
Hearing Loss in Men vs. Women

Hearing Loss in Men vs. Women

According to a study conducted by John Hopkins University in the USA, men are five and a half times more likely than women to develop hearing loss as they age, starting as young as 20. Out of the 28 million Americans with hearing loss, over 60% of them are men....