When you have a hearing loss, it is not just your hearing that is impaired. A hearing loss isolates you from your friends and family. It is hard to join in conversations in groups or in social venues such as cafes, restaurants and clubs. A hearing loss can make it difficult to participate in the workforce, whether that be paid or voluntary.
Often the first thing friends and family say is “get a hearing aid!” But a hearing aid is just that; an aid! A hearing aid will certainly aid a hearing loss, but it will not solve it. To truly participate in social activites again, a fuller picture is required. This is where Aural Rehabilitation comes in.
Aural Rehabilitation covers areas such as knowing how the ear works and how your hearing has been damaged, how to read an audiogram, understanding the various features and benefits of hearing aids, knowing and utilising other listening devices such as TV headphones and FM systems, counselling to reduce the strain to tinnitus, knowing how to ask other people to speak in a way that makes their voice clearer and easier to understand.
For example, if your friends and family know to face you when they talk to you, to not speak louder but rather, a little slower, and if they make eye contact and gain your attention before beginning to talk, these simple things can make a huge difference to wheterh you hear them the first time or not. Conversations can be so much easier and satisfying for everyone if communication strategies are used.
Knowing about alternative listening devices (ALDs) can also be of huge benefit. Simple, wireless devices are available to help you to hear the TV at your own volume without affecting anyone else, or can be used on the phone or in restaurants.
Tinnitus is a very debilitating condition that afflicts many many people. Through tinnitus retraining therapy it is possible to reduce your awareness of tinnitus. This is often very effective and enables the sufferer to live with their tinnitus, rather than be constantly bombarded with it.
Knox Audiology offers Aural Rehabilitation classes (3 x 1 hour sessions) for adults in small groups (up to 3 couples) or individually. We encourage you to bring your partner along to the sessions.
Please contact Jude at our new clinic at Melbourne Eastern Healthcare Village, 157 Boronia Road, Boronia if you would like more information about our Aural Rehabilition classes. Phone: 03 9839 3300.