Wireless microphone systems

Wireless microphone systems

Wireless microphone systems You may have seen hearing aid users or children in the classroom using a wireless microphone system or your audiologist may have suggested that you might benefit from one, but what are they and why would you need one? What is a wireless...
Getting used to your hearing aids

Getting used to your hearing aids

Getting used to your hearing aids Hearing aids are fantastic devices allowing us to hear sounds we may have been missing for a long time. However, hearing aids can take some getting used to. If your hearing loss has been gradual, slowly declining over years, then you...
What can I expect from my hearing assessment?

What can I expect from my hearing assessment?

What can I expect from my hearing assessment? On arrival at our clinic, you will be asked to fill out a registration form. This form includes some questions regarding your personal details like name, date of birth, address, medicare card details, and some other basic...
Hearing aid adjustments from the comfort of your home!

Hearing aid adjustments from the comfort of your home!

As you may know, many newer hearing aids released in the last couple of years have the ability to connect wirelessly to smart phones. This allows the wearer to take phone calls and listen to music or even watch videos on their phone with the sound or speakers voice...