Hearing Aid Battery Maintenance

It’s a popular talking point in our industry – how long will a hearing aid battery last? And the answer is not a simple one. There are several factors that determine the life of a hearing aid battery. Below we review the 6 most important factors and why battery...

GN ReSound volume control Smartphone App

GN ReSound™ leads the hearing aid industry’s wireless revolution with the first made for Smartphone accessory and accompanying app in early 2013. Hearing-aided people can now get full advantage of their mobile phones with the new ReSound Unite™ Phone Clip+ and ReSound...
HealthNews August 2013 Edition

HealthNews August 2013 Edition

Download your copy of HealthNews for information about a wide range of subjects including Tinnitus, Stress Incontinence in Women, Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease and more. Click here to download the magazine or pick up a copy at Knox...