Why is my hearing aid not working?

Why is my hearing aid not working?

Why is my hearing aid not working? If you go to put your hearing aid in, and find it is not working, there are a few things you can do first to try to work out what the problem is. Is the battery flat? Try changing the battery. Sometimes it can be as simple as a dead...
Ear and Hearing Care for ALL!

Ear and Hearing Care for ALL!

Ear and Hearing Care for ALL! Each year on the 3rd of March, we celebrate World Hearing Day. This provides us with the opportunity to raise awareness about hearing health and preventing hearing loss. This day is also important in promoting ear and hearing care across...
What is an Audiogram?

What is an Audiogram?

What is an Audiogram? An audiogram is a graph of your hearing thresholds. At the end of your (or your child’s) appointment, your audiologist will explain your results to you, which includes the audiogram. Please do not hesitate to ask any questions, as your...
How to Look After Your Hearing Aids and Keep Them Clean

How to Look After Your Hearing Aids and Keep Them Clean

How to Look After Your Hearing Aids and Keep Them Clean If you want your hearing aids to last, it is very important that you look after them as best as you can. This means regularly cleaning and drying them to ensure moisture and dirt does not get inside the hearing...
Hearing Loss and Speech and Language Development

Hearing Loss and Speech and Language Development

Hearing Loss and Speech and Language Development It is well supported that hearing is important for speech and language development in children. We learn speech through hearing so if our hearing is impaired it may cause speech development to be delayed.Normally,...