Teleaudiology Frequently Asked Questions

Teleaudiology Frequently Asked Questions

Teleaudiology Frequently Asked Questions What are Teleaudiology consultations? Essentially Teleaudiology consultations are a form of online consultation that allows patients to have hearing aid adjustments without any direct physical contact. Not only this, but...
Hearing loss and Dementia – Is there a causal link?

Hearing loss and Dementia – Is there a causal link?

Hearing loss and Dementia – Is there a causal link? What is dementia? Dementia, also known as Major Neurocognitive Decline (MCD) is not one specific disease, rather it presents as a collection of symptoms. Dementia can affect many aspects of daily life including...
Communication challenges during a pandemic

Communication challenges during a pandemic

Communication challenges during a pandemic As audiologists, we are equipped with the knowledge for improving communication and are always keen to impart our knowledge to any of our patients with an ear to hear us. But what happens when our advice seems to contradict...
What is cholesteatoma?

What is cholesteatoma?

What is cholesteatoma? A cholesteatoma is an abnormal growth of skin that forms a cyst in the middle part of the ear behind the eardrum. Cholesteatomas are not cancerous, but are capable of causing damage to bones and tissue in the middle ear as they grow in size....
Wireless microphone systems

Wireless microphone systems

Wireless microphone systems You may have seen hearing aid users or children in the classroom using a wireless microphone system or your audiologist may have suggested that you might benefit from one, but what are they and why would you need one? What is a wireless...