Dec 23, 2015 | Business for Good
The very first B1G1 tour started in Nairobi on July 17th, 2011. Knox Audiology donated 135 goats! The tour featured a 5 day experience in a small village called Odede in Northern Kenya where we say how community engagement is critical in order to create sustainable...
Dec 23, 2015 | Knox Audiology
Knox Audiology is pleased to announce the release of their new website. Providing information, advice and understanding for all of our current and future clients, the Knox site has been developed with our customers in mind. Detailed information about our wide range of...
Dec 23, 2015 | Hearing Loss
A friendly man, probably in his sixties, walks into my room and begins his story: “I don’t think my hearing’s too bad, but my wife and daughter do complain. It’s because they try to talk to me when the TV’s on, or when they are in another...
Dec 23, 2015 | Health News
Immediately she looked at me AND smiled. She relaxed and started talking! It was like turning on a light. Jenny, epitomizes satisfaction Recently I was lucky enough to go on a trip to a remote area of the Northern Territory to work for a week with an indigenous...